A popular Tenby calendar returns for 2024, thanks to support from St Catherine’s Island and Fort.

Owing to a sharp increase in printing costs last year, the popular Tenby Memories Calendar by Cofion Books was not printed for 2023 as it was feared the costs would be prohibitive. This proved very disappointing for the regular customers who really missed the calendar.

Cofion proprietor Albie Smosarski is thrilled to say that the Calendar is returning for 2024 thanks to the very generous support of St Catherine’s Island and Fort who have taken a full-page advert in the Calendar to promote their attraction.

The Calendars are already in the shops and proving popular. Albie was excited to receive an email this week from a delighted recipient, Mrs Helen Alderson, who said: “My friend has been back to Wales for a holiday. As a child my family took me twice a year. We spent so many wonderful hours on the beaches, the harbour was a fabulous playground for me and my younger cousins. The picture of The Enterprise made me tearful. It made me remember so many things I’d forgotten........Many thanks.”

The Calendar features many pictures of Tenby from yesteryear, and is available from Albie at Cofion Books and also from Charlton Cards, High Street; Rembrandts, Tudor Square; Tenby Post Office and Stores, (by the Five Arches); and Vincent Davies Department Store, Haverfordwest. Also of course at St Catherine’s Island and Fort.

Albie would like to sincerely thank St Catherine’s Island and Fort and also Claire Bartlett for very generously supplying some of the photos.

If you have any queries or indeed have a photo that could be included in the 2025 Calendar, Albie would be very pleased to hear from you at [email protected] .