Services for Carew Group of Churches on Sunday, June 9

  • Cosheston, 9am – Communion
  • St Mary’s Redberth, 10am – Morning Prayer
  • St Mary’s Carew, 11am – Morning Prayer
  • St Mary’s Nash – No Service Temporarily closed

Every Wednesday, 10am – Communion St Marys Carew

Do attend any of these services, all are welcome.

Bingo, June 14, Carew Memorial Hall – doors open 7pm, eyes down 7.30 fun for all the family. All welcome.

June 8-16 is “Count on Nature Week”, (Caring for God’s Acre). Each church has activities on during the week; see the Facebook page: The Carew Group of Churches.

For Weddings, christening and funerals, contact Rev’d Hannah [email protected]