On a beautiful June day, Carew WI members assembled for an organised tour of Picton Castle. 

Room by room, the history of the castle and its residents was presented by a knowledgeable, humorous guide who regaled the group with stories capturing the mood and grandeur of this historic building, its artefacts and contents.

Picton Castle, Pembrokeshire
Picton Castle, Pembrokeshire (Carew WI)

Many of the members hadn’t visited Picton Castle before and were astonished at the work that has gone into restoring both the Castle and grounds; work done, in the main, by a loyal band of volunteers. 

After a break for refreshments at Maria’s cafe, members were free to wander the courtyard buildings, beautiful grounds and gardens at their leisure. The day closed with a lovely supper served promptly and courteously by the restaurant staff at The Bush, Robeston Wathen. 

President Edith thanked Marnie and her team for organising the event. Everyone had enjoyed a relaxing, well planned and interesting afternoon at Picton Castle and a delicious meal afterwards.

Ordinarily, an annual outing would have been further afield, but with so many historic places on our own doorstep left to explore, the ladies may well opt for something similar in 2025.