Back together after the summer break, Carew WI president Edith welcomed rows of lively members eager to catch up and socialise.

The singing of Jerusalem resounded through the hall before Yvonne Phillips was introduced as guest for the afternoon. Yvonne, who has 40 years nursing experience, is a Clinical Falls Practitioner from Hywel Dda UHB. In her work she facilitates referrals from GPs, Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists and other health professionals but an essential part of her work is preventive medicine. She heads up the Pembrokeshire Community Falls Service based at South Pembs Hospital.

Yvonne spent an hour highlighting the every day dangers in the home and out, how to foresee hazards and obviate them in order to protect not only ourselves but family, friends, neighbours and other members of our Community.

Members shared their own experiences and were offered blood pressure checks and private chats if needed. Leaflets and other helpful items were freely available alongside her advice.

Edith thanked Yvonne for taking the time to share her knowledge and expertise with members and it was obvious from the response that her visit was very welcome and worthwhile. She shared cake and tea with everyone before leaving.

Members then opened the formal meeting, dealing with the minutes of the July meeting and any matters arising. The County letter and any issues of interest were finalised before the rest of the meeting was dedicated to planning the social calendar, including WI Day on September 16 and especially the Christmas meal at Picton Castle.

A number of members celebrate birthdays in September, but one member in particular, Marina, will be 90 shortly. Members sang Happy Birthday to her before planning their October meeting and going their separate ways.