The VC Gallery has hosted a special celebration to honour their dedicated team of 104 volunteers, whose combined hours equate to a massive 14,200 hours of volunteering.

The celebration on Wednesday, June 5 was a lively affair, featuring music by Tom and Abz, a buffet, and a gathering of friends of the VC Gallery who came together to recognise the impact of the volunteers.

The VC Gallery was delighted to welcome to the awards several dignitaries, including the Mayor of Pembroke Dock, the Mayor of Pembroke, Councillor Michelle Wiggins, and the local Police Community Support Officer Nadia (PCSO) and are grateful for their continued support.

Throughout the event, volunteers were presented with certificates in collaboration with Pembrokeshire Association of Voluntary Services (PAVS) and awards to acknowledge their commitment and achievements over the past year.

A highlight of the afternoon was the presentation of the Volunteer of the Year Award, which was proudly received by Donna Evans. Additionally, Wayne Duignan and Vicky Cresswell were recognised as the first-ever recipients of the 1000 Hour Awards, a testament to their extraordinary dedication to the VC Gallery.

The VC Gallery expressed gratitude to the National Lottery and BCT for funding the volunteer coordinator post, which has been instrumental in organising and expanding their volunteer program.

Looking ahead, the VC Gallery is excited about growing its volunteer base and embarking on new projects aimed at supporting veterans and the broader community. Those in volunteering at the VC Gallery can contact Esther Fenneberg on 01646 685688.