THERE was a competition for an unusual or comical fruit or vegetable and focus on a worthy cause at a WI Harvest Supper meeting at Kilgetty Community Hall.

President Anne Pugh opened the meeting at 7pm and Jerusalem was sung.

Birthdays for the month are Anne Pugh, Chris Blundell and Helen Knight. A Happy Birthday to all!

Josie Fanus spoke about a charity which she supports along with her daughter Marie Thomas, a teacher in a school in Bristol. This is the ‘Child of Hope’ Ugandan Christian Charity.

The charity aims to support children during their school years and continuing to secondary school and above. Producing great results, some of the children are achieving places in universities and continuing their education to become doctors, lawyers, etc. The charity is connected now to many schools in Britain, helping to spread the word and support the cause.

The families involved in the work of ‘Child of Hope’ are very poor and the women help to raise money by making small items of jewellery and bags to sell. Josie made a request to WI for a small donation towards this, which was agreed by members.

Correspondence included the purchase of a computer and printer for the sole use of Kilgetty WI, and interesting events and crafting sessions in the Newsletter were discussed.

Secretary Lyn Lawson explained about the forthcoming Christmas dinner which has been booked for the Begelly Arms at midday on December 10. This will be instead of the evening meeting. A small meeting will be held before the lunch. Names and meal choices were taken.

New committee members are needed for the forthcoming year, WI heard, and calendars and diaries are ready for collection for those who had ordered them.

Then all the ladies enjoyed a lovely harvest supper, which comprised bread and crackers, a huge assortment of cheeses and pickles and an array of homemade apple cakes with cream. Drinks included apple juice, wine and tea and coffee. A big ‘thank you’ goes to the committee for preparing the supper. 

Penny Lacey won the raffle, and there were some very good funny entries for the fruit or vegetable competition. Winners were: 1st Sylvia Wright; 2nd Kath Breen; 3rd Anne Pugh.

The next meeting is on November 12, 7pm.