THIS year’s Summer Show, held at Llanteg Village Hall in August, was a resounding success, with over 250 entries in 61 classes, across seven sections.

Deep appreciation is owed to all the talented people in the community, including many children, who entered the show, and for all the work which was put into producing such high quality entries. 

This year, for the first time, the show enjoyed the support of sponsors and trophy donors, resulting in trophies in the adult sections and prizes, rosettes and shields in the children’s section.

Thanks go to the nine judges, whose task was by no means an easy one. Their choices were as follows:

  • Cookery/Preserves: The Philip Hinman Shield was awarded jointly to Anne Morgans and Mary Dawe.
  • Art/Photography: Plaque - Carol Lander.
  • Craft: Rose Park Bowl - Mike Turner.
  • Flowers/Floral Art: Cup - Clare Carter.
  • Garden Produce: Salver - Dee Williams.
  • Dee Williams was also awarded the Charlotte Cup in the Poems/Prose section.

Further thanks go to the Summer Show committee and to all the helpers on the day of the Show, with a special mention of Roy and Sue James and Ruth Roberts; and to Elizabeth and Stewart Treharne and family at E C Thomas for sponsoring the advertisement for our Summer Show online and in the Tenby Observer. 

Llanteg Village Hall’s Management Committee described the show as “a most rewarding experience, borne out by the large numbers from our community who either participated with entries, came along on the day or sent kind messages of support and appreciation.

“So who were the winners we hear you say? It’s clear to us that everyone in our community was a real winner. Without their support there would not have been a show at all!”

So what about Llanteg’s 2025 Show? Well, some additional classes are planned, along with encouraging even greater children participation. If you have any suggestions, ideas for particular Classes or you would like to get involved, email [email protected] or [email protected].