PRESIDENT Diane Rigden welcomed 23 St Issell’s WI ladies to lunch at the Hunter’s Moon, New Hedges, on October 10 for the monthly meeting before an excursion to the Lovespoon Workshop at Cold Inn near Kilgetty.

Following a brief business meeting - when one or two items were discussed and names taken for the Annual Council Meeting and the carol service on December 6 was mentioned, together with other items in the newsletter - everyone enjoyed a varied lunchtime menu of several choices.

Having enjoyed delicious food and lots of chatter, ladies then moved on to a visit to the Lovespoon Workshop at Cold Inn, when David gave a detailed history of lovespoons, and in particular the ones on display, from the first one made by his dad in 1969 when he proposed to David’s mum, to the one they are in the process of designing for 2024.

Each year’s spoon indicates something special and significant that had happened during the year. David explained the different meanings of the symbols, the different types of wood used, and also showed the longest lovespoon in the world. Ladies then had the opportunity to browse in the shop, some choosing lovespoons as significant gifts.

St Issell’s WI will next meet on November 14 in the Regency Hall at 7.15pm, when new members will be welcome as always.