PRESIDENT Diane Rigden welcomed members of the Saundersfoot-based St Issell’s WI to the January meeting, wishing ladies a Happy New Year.
There was a special welcome to Sue Gould, now an official member, to Jane Lee paying a visit, and to Diane Jones, the demonstrator for the meeting.
Diane demonstrated needle felting, and told ladies that her 12-year-old grandson had bought four sheep, but upon discovering that the wool was worthless, Diane had decided to try her hand at needle felting which she now thoroughly enjoyed.
Over the last six years or so she had learnt how to wash the fleeces, do the carding and then the spinning. As well as demonstrating a lovely sheep broach, she also made a Christmas Angel. Diane Rigden thanked her for a most interesting afternoon, and presented her with a small gift.
Following welcome refreshments, Anne Slade was thanked for the flowers for the top table, and condolences were expressed to Mary Cavell on the recent loss of her husband George who had been a good friend to St Issell’s. Birthday wishes were extended to Jean Roberts, Bev Bennett, Shirley Will, Madelene Brace and Joyce Ludlow celebrating that day.
Names were taken of those ladies who would be interested in attending the Wales Conference in Llanelli in April, and the Rosebowl ladies and those interested in Anything Goes would be meeting the following week. The county letter was read, various events being noted, in particular the quiz in the south of the county in April, and the walk in Colby Gardens in May.
Resolutions will be discussed at the February meeting. There was some discussion about the Annual Meeting, and Diane completed the questionnaire. There was no competition this month, but the lucky raffle winner was Eva Rich.
Diane wished ladies a safe journey home, reminding everyone that the February meeting will again be at 2pm.