KILGETTY’S community hall was packed for the July WI meeting as members enjoyed a strawberry cream tea and ‘swishing’.

Anne Pugh the president opened the meeting at 7pm and all stood to sing Jerusalem. 

Kathryn Wilkins, an adviser from Pembrokeshire Federation WI was welcomed as she is visiting all the WIs in Pembrokeshire, 42 in total! Three new visitors were also welcomed. 

Birthday greetings were given: Sally and Mary in July and Jane and Linda in August.

Best wishes are sent to Penny Lacey for a speedy recovery.

The mystery trip had been enjoyed by all; members gave Anne a round of applause for arranging such a successful trip.

Names were checked for the trip to the County Show on Wednesday, August 14, leaving Kilgetty at 10am. 

‘Plastic free July’ was discussed and a board sent around for tips from members which included using bar soaps for hair and body. Using glass bottles, decanting into smaller amounts and many other ideas.

Monica Thomas reported that the speakers were very interesting this year at the NFWI Annual meeting at the Royal Albert Hall in London, focusing on ‘ violence against women’. The resolutions campaign is ongoing for improved dental care and preventative oral hygiene.

Sylvia gave the treasurer’s report: many donations were given during 2023; this year the committee had decided to give back to members for educational trips etc.

Anne read the newsletter, highlighting various interesting articles and trips.

Social time followed with a plate of delicious scones, clotted cream, jam and strawberries and included wine and/or elderflower presse. Tea and coffee.

The competition for a piece of china or glass with strawberries was judged by WI advisor Kathryn and won by Kath Breen, with Shirley Cox coming in second and Karen Merriman in third place. Susan Pettigrew won the raffle.

The very popular ‘swishing’ followed as members - who had brought in three or four items of clothing, shoes, scarves, bags or jewellery - then chose the same number of items to take home, so they recycled unwanted things instead of discarding them. All items left were then taken by Peggy to go to the Paul Sartori charity shop.

There is no meeting in August as members are going to the County Show, so the next meeting will be on Tuesday, September 10, at 7pm.