PEMBROKESHIRE’S leading homelessness charity PATH has been running a Numeracy Project learning group every Tuesday at the Regency Hall in Saundersfoot since September 2024.
The learning group has been really successful with 16 learners signed up.
PATH recently received a donation of knitted hats for the homeless, so the learners have formed a knitting group where they have added bobbles to the hats. It was all part of an initiative to give back to the community.
The ladies at the Regency Hall prepare a lovely lunch for the project every week. They also provided a delicious Christmas lunch for party day.

Shortly before Christmas, Penally Community Centre held a coffee morning to raise funds for PATH, raising an incredible £262 in just two hours.

The Numeracy Project continues in the New Year at the Regency Hall from Tuesday January 7. The course runs from 10am to 3pm.
Anyone over 19 can sign up: contact Senior Tutor Dean Flood on 07483 917951 or email [email protected]