Just three-and-a-half tables were in play last Monday at Penally Bridge Club. 

Top pair was Barry & Nicky with 66.67%; second were Jill & John with 61.25%, followed by Paul B & Stuart with 57.50%.

The previous week was the Club’s Summer Party, kindly organised by Brenda, when members enjoyed a very nice meal and some social time at The New Overlander, followed by Bridge back in Penally Village Hall.

Some were still in party mood, but the scores showed Peter & Dave in first place with 61.11%, closely followed by Jill & John with 59.52% and Geoff & Paul V with 58.33%.

Penally Bridge Club meets each Monday at 1.15pm in the Village Hall. Visiting players are welcome. Contact Brenda on 01834 812132. —JCG