The Seed Bank at Kew Gardens was the subject of July speaker, Rob Probert, filling in at short notice and giving a thoroughly enjoyable presentation on preserving the seeds of UK and worldwide plants.

Rob was warmly thanked by Linnia for helping out at such short notice.

Following refreshments, the raffle was drawn with Marlene the lucky winner.

Birthday greetings were given to Kay for August. Thanks were given to Hilary for the flowers and members for PATCH donations.

Both Hilary and Linda have recovered well following their recent surgery and get well wishes were sent to Marlene’s mum Dilys, who was in hospital following a recent fall.

Members agreed the Strawberry Tea had been very successful with excellent support from both WI’s and the community. Everyone was thanked for all their help and hard work on the day.

The trip to Brecon had been a very enjoyable day with a visit to the railway line garden centre followed by a trip on the Brecon canal. The day concluded with an excellent meal at the Plough, Rhosmaen.

A guest list was sorted for the September Harvest and other upcoming events were discussed, including a potential Christmas event to be held in December.

As August is the holiday month, the next meeting will be the Harvest on Monday September 9 at the hall in Summerhill at 7pm when Diane Massa will show members her collection of American quilts. Ladies are reminded although there will be no auction they are asked to bring tinned or dry goods for donation to PATCH. Hostesses on the night will be the committee members.