THERE was a special welcome to Jean Picton, and to new member Sue Gould, whose birthday was that day as president Diane Rigden welcomed ladies to the November meeting of St Issell’s WI, Saundersfoot.
Mary Howells was thanked for the flowers for the top table, and further birthday wishes for November went to Sue Haines, Anne-Marie Littlewood, Liz Talboys and Mary Cavell. Joy Nixon was thanked for laying the poppy wreath at the Cenotaph on Remembrance Sunday.
Final arrangements were made for the carol service at the Methodist chapel on December 6: Janet Standing agreed to do the reading and Bee Poole would play the organ. Pam had emailed local WIs.
Ladies were asked to each bring five Christmas cards to the next meeting which will be distributed to residential homes in the locality.
Committee members will provide a buffet for the Christmas party at the December meeting and, instead of giving cards to each other, ladies were asked to donate £2, which would then be donated to a charity.
Anne-Marie agreed to arrange a quiz and Sue to play for some Christmas songs. Meetings will take place at 2pm in January, February and March. This month’s competition winner was Anne-Marie Littlewood with the motto for 2025, ‘Join together, stand up and speak out for women everywhere.’ The lucky raffle winners were Joan Parry and Sheila Griffin.
Following refreshments, the Annual General Meeting was held, with president Diane Rigden and secretary Pam Roberts giving detailed reports of the events and activities that had taken place during the year.
Treasurer Sue Haines gave a financial report and was thanked for all her hard work in taking care of the finances. Diane thanked Sue, Pam and Eva for their help during the year, together with all the Committee Members who had provided support. She chose to present the president’s shield to Jacqui Cowgill, who had provided much help in both the rosebowl competition and Anything Goes.
The competition cup was won by Anne-Marie Littlewood. Jean Picton then presided over the election of president, and Diane Rigden was once again elected for the coming year. Jean was thanked for her help and was presented with a small gift together with the flowers from the top table. Diane thanked everyone for their support, looking forward to fun and friendship in 2025.