SERVICES and events for St Andrew’s Church Narberth and St John’s Church Templeton are as follows:

Wednesday, July 10, 10am – Morning Prayer in St Andrew’s Church Narberth.

Friday, July 12 – Concert at 7.30pm by Serendipity in St Andrew’s Church Narberth (admission £10)

Friday, July 12 – Craft Stall for St Andrew’s Church in the Queen’s Hall craft sale. Please support.

Sunday, July 14, 10am – St John’s Church, Templeton will host a United Benefice Service

Tuesday, July 16, 1.30pm – Craft Class in Narberth Church.   All welcome

Saturday, July 20, 2pm – For Narberth Civic Week, St Andrew’s Church hosts its annual fête with teddy bear parachute from the church tower.

Narberth Church is open from 10am to 4pm, Tuesday to Fridays.