PEMBROKE and Monkton Local History Society will be celebrating St David’s Day at Pembroke Town Hall with a Welsh themed coffee morning and talk on Saturday March 1.
The title of the talk, by Society Chairman Linda Asman, is ‘The Welsh Princes and the Evolution of Wales’.
The talk harks back to a time when Wales as a geographical expression did not exist: the Iron Age tribes of Britain shared the same laws and customs and spoke a common language. Tribal groupings survived the Roman occupation, emerging as independent kingdoms led by native rulers following the fall of Rome. Despite invasions from Europe in the East and Ireland from the west, the rulers of this part of Britain we now call Wales held firm, although divided into several kingdoms. Powerful leaders emerged who sought to extend their rule over the entire country until Edward I finally defeated Llewellyn ap Gruffudd, Llewellyn the Last, bringing an end to the line of the truly independent Princes of Wales. This was not the end of the story, however. Hope never died and, despite conquest and oppression, Wales always retained its strong, national identity.
Doors open at 10am for coffee and an opportunity to visit the Museum and Council Chamber, which are situated on the first floor of the Town Hall – a lift is available for disabled access. Then, at 11am assemble in the George Lewis Hall for our talk. All are welcome and entry is free.
Visit for more information, or contact [email protected] .