SUMMER walks throughout Pembrokeshire got off to a great start for the Steps2Health walking group with a trip to Broadhaven. 

The sun shone from start to finish, mostly with light winds. Jane backed by Kym, led the Speedies up the long hill through Haroldston Woods then back via the Coast Path. Chris and Heather took the Steadies on the much easier route to the Slash Ponds and back. The wild flowers were in full blossom and the sea views were delightful. Everyone finished back at the Youth Hostel cafe, where they did a roaring trade with their special offer on a hot drink and cake.

June 8 was dry and bright, if disappointingly cool. 35 walkers gathered at Battery Gardens in Tenby for a beach walk. This wasn’t the original plan, but the town was very busy, maybe because of the Street Food Festival going on. 

Barbara, backed by Brian, led the Speedies to Penally via Crossing Cottage, returning across the golf course and South Beach. They were slightly bemused to find a large brown horse blocking their path at one stage. As the horse steadfastly ignored them, they quietly filed past in turn. 

Marlene, supported by Donna, led the Steadies via the golf club to Black Rock and onto the beach. With the tide quite high, the combination of soft sand and pebbles made the going quite challenging for some of the group. They came off the beach via the zigzag and made their way to Church House for a coffee morning held by the Arts Club. They were soon joined by the Speedies group and between them won most of the raffle prizes.

On Saturday 15, 31 walkers made the trip to Narberth. It was a delightful sunny day, but disappointingly cool. Brian, backed by Barbara, led the Steadies down Carding Mill Lane. Chris, supported by Marlene, took the Steadies around the byways of the town. A lot of the route was busy with traffic and pedestrians, but the country views made it it a very enjoyable. The Speedies really enjoyed their downhill country walk down to the ford, but some found the return up the long hill quite a strain. Most of the walkers ended up in the Hwb with its choice of cuisines, but the walkers are always spoilt for culinary choices in Narberth. It was a grand morning out and enjoyed by all.

Saturday 22 was in the middle of Long Course Weekend. With no buses running and many roads closed, the planned walk was impossible. Instead Barbara led a walk in Tenby, while Kym led one in Kilgetty. 

An amazing 27-strong group managed to get to the walk in Tenby and eight in Kilgetty. The weather was fine and bright, ideal walking weather. Barbara led her group across the South and North beaches, with an extension around Castle Hill for the more energetic. As it was the cycling race that day, the beaches were the best place to be to avoid the throngs. Kym adopted a similar ploy and took her group to Sardis, and along Ivy Chimney lane, thereby avoiding all the cyclists and spectators.

For the last walk of June, on the 29th, 30 club members went to Manorbier by bus and car. It was a breezy, steely grey day, ideal for walking, but not quite what we hope for in June. 

Brian, backed by Barbara, led a small but energetic group of Speedies up the steep hill past the church, to reach the Coast Path for a short loop to the beach. Kym, supported by Heather and Chris, took an easier route through the sand dunes to reach the beach. From there they headed past the medieval dovecote for a lap around the castle. 

The Speedies followed along the same route in their turn, almost catching the Steadies by the time they reached the Castlemead restaurant. The walkers were delighted by the fabulous selection of cakes on offer, before making their way home again.