AMERICAN quilts was the theme of Summerhill WI’s September meeting, presented by Diane Massa.

After welcoming back Linda following her surgery, Marlene who had a bad fall in the summer and Jane who had been poorly, vice president Susan welcomed members and guests to the Harvest evening. All ladies were thanked for their generous donations for PATCH and informed of upcoming events.

Diane proceeded to give an excellent talk on the history of the American quilt and explained the process involved in putting together and hand stitching the different styles of quilt. Diane was warmly thanked by President Marilyn before the raffle was drawn with the following results: Hilary – fruit cake; Linda – wine; Marilyn – sweets; Pam – wine; and Maxine – fruit basket.

Everyone then enjoyed an excellent Harvest Supper of jacket potatoes with a variety of fillings - courtesy of Linnia, accompanied by a selection of salads, followed by dessert and refreshments made and served by the committee.

Next meeting will be in Amroth Parish Hall, Summerhill on Monday October 14 at 7pm with Rob Llewellyn Davies giving a talk on the Pembrokeshire Landscape. Hostesses will be Marlene and Dawn.