JUDGE for Tenby Camera Club’s annual Gary Jenkins Memorial Macro and Close up Competition was Andy Leslie, a regular WPF judge at Tenby.

Andy is very experienced and appreciative of the range of abilities within the entries. Judge and audience alike enjoyed the 29 digital and 13 print entries. Gary Jenkins would have loved to see what he has inspired from this genre, which he was superb at and loved.

The images and results were posted on the Facebook Friends of Tenby Camera Club Page in an album. Gold Awards went to Charlie Kidd (Harvest Mouse in Meadow) for print and Alan Brown (Crab Spider on Ivy Leaf) for digital.

John Archer Thompson

On February 6, the club had the privilege of hosting John Archer Thompson, full of anecdotes and local tales, who shared his knowledge of Pembrokeshire through the eyes of its geology, geography, history, myths and legends, all delivered in jovial style.

The starting point of this talk - the second in a series - was St Brides’ Bay.

John’s talk was bought to life with his excellent photography, illustrating curvatures of rocks on the cliffs and the general flatness of the Pembrokeshire countryside. The diversity of flowers and animal life which have adapted to the environment here was shown. The weather has had its effect too, so images of the frozen Gann , winter stormy seas, snowy cliffs and beaches were lovely to see.

The journey took members down to Stack Rocks on the Castlemartin peninsular, a dark skies location, with an amazing image of the Milky Way. Then they had to go home - to await patiently for part three next season!

There was news too that one of Tenby’s members has gained his ARPS . Congratulations John Slater.

In House Workshop

The In house Workshop on February 13 was the first of three workshops planned to improve photographic skills. Organised by Dave Bolton, this well-attended evening was a great success. Members gave demonstrations of post photo processing, lighting techniques, still life and portraiture, macro photography, lightbox techniques and so much more. Individual help with cameras was abundant and very useful.

The main tables/set ups were manned by Dave Bolton, Rob Cox, Alan Brown, Jan Sullivan and Charlie Kidd. They brought in computers, cameras, lighting, staging as well as their expertise and patience. Myrddin Dennis, John Whitehurst, Alistair Mackay should also be thanked for bringing in equipment and advising.

There was also had a sale table for members to sell or donate unwanted photography gear. It was good to see the friendliness of the club at its best.

Annual Mono Competition

The annual Mono Competition on February 20 was well supported with 20 prints and 38 digital images. Judge for the evening was Gareth Martin who has a wealth of experience in Mono work. He is chairman of Cymru Monochrome (Port Talbot) and is a very active speaker and judge.

Results were as follows:

Prints: Gold Jan Sullivan (Breaking waves); Silver Dave Bolton (Looking out on South Stack Lighthouse); Bronze Charlie Kidd (Soul Man); Highly Commended Charlie Kidd, Dave Bolton and Jan Sullivan; Commended Gary Mayhew, Ali Rees and Melanie Felton.

Digitals: Gold Jan Sullivan (A handful of kindness); Silver Liz Wallis (The Winner); Bronze Gary Mayhew (La Corbiere); Highly Commended Paul Richards, Alan Brown, Dave Bolton and John Whitehurst; Commended Sara Josey, Jayne Crocker, John Whitehurst.

The images and results have been posted on the Facebook Friends of Tenby Camera Club Page in an album.

Congratulations to all the winners and thank you to everyone who entered. Gareth was thanked for his care and attention with his critique.