Members of Lower Landsker Trefoil Guild began the New Year with their Annual Meeting, when chair Margaret gave a report on the Guild’s activities in 2024, which had proved an enjoyable and busy year.

Thanks were given to Margaret, treasurer Jenny and secretary Nicole and they were returned, unopposed, for 2025.

The programme for 2025 was discussed and approved. Of course the Wednesday walk, talk and coffee sessions will carry on as all agreed that it was good to meet up, particularly on the dark winter mornings.

At the February meeting, members were delighted to welcome Giles, Katherine, Sarah, Liz and Jim - otherwise known as the Paragon Garden Volunteers - who gave a very interesting talk on their voluntary work in these gardens. Trefoil members are particularly interested as there is a bench in this garden dedicated to the memory of the wonderful Doreen Hammersley, founder of Lower Landsker Trefoil Guild, teacher, artist and lover of nature.

Giles, Liz and Jim explained how they had started two years ago with £200 from Tenby Town Council for seed money. But first they had to get rid of the gravel and chippings, and deal with the compacted soil. There is the added challenge of the elements in such an exposed garden, but they have carefully researched and chosen perennial plants better able to withstand the wild sea air.

Jim and Giles designed the central beds and, when choosing plants, kept wildlife in mind; consequently, many different birds and butterflies visit, including the European humming bird hawkmoth, as well as the very welcome bees.

It proved such an informative morning, and much discussion followed over coffee. Treasurer, Jenny, then presented the volunteers with a donation to help with the purchase of plants and other items. Members look forward to sitting on Doreen’s bench, enjoying the beauty of the garden on warmer days, and urge others to stroll around the Paragon to see what a great job these talented volunteers are doing.

Members were sad to hear of the passing of their friend Jan Evans, past chair of Trefoil Pembrokeshire. Jan will be well remembered by many in Tenby as Guide Captain for many years and guild members’ thoughts and sympathy go out to her family and friends.

Next meeting is on March 5 when members will enjoy a Welsh lunch and quiz.