‘Team Tenby’ has been shining a light on veteran homelessness.

At midday on Wednesday (March 26), a dedicated Pembrokeshire-based team of friends, colleagues and local councillors set up camp for ‘The Great Tommy Sleep Out’ for the second year running.

They spent 24 hours on the streets of Tenby to raise awareness and funds for ex-servicemen across the country who find themselves on the streets.

The group organised by Shane Roberts, Chairman of the Royal British Legion, Tenby branch and Gareth Lloyd-Jones, included Tenby’s Mayor Cllr Dai Morgan, Deputy Mayor Cllr Charles Dale, Cllr James Phillips, Craig Sutton and Dylan Sutton. They spent the night camped in the grounds of St Mary’s Church, Tenby to highlight the need for support by all affected by this nationwide issue.

As well as setting up social media fundraising links, the group encouraged bucket collection offerings throughout their sleep out, with the current total going directly to ‘The Great Tommy Sleep Out’ now totalling over £1,000.

Tenby’s Mayor Cllr Morgan said he was “Humbled by being asked to get involved in such a fantastic charity event, which was not only very well organised by Shane and Gareth but with help from St Mary’s church Tenby and plenty of engagement from the local community including food, water and conversation at all hours throughout the night, the event was a huge success.”

RBL Chair Shane Roberts has been overwhelmed by the “support and generosity” from the Tenby community for this event for the second year running. “It’s always wonderful to see our community supporting homeless veterans,” he added, “and we’re already looking to a bigger and better sleep out next year!”

The 2025 ‘Great Tommy Sleep Out Tenby’ Just Giving page (www.justgiving.com/team/tenbysleepout) is still live and all donations are still welcomed.