Newly launched for 2024-25, the Enterprise Troopers challenge offers a unique opportunity for primary schools in Wales to showcase not only their entrepreneurial spirit, but their creativity, commitment to sustainability, and their local communities.
Careers Wales, in collaboration with Welsh Government’s Youth Entrepreneurship programme, Big Ideas Wales, invites primary schools across Wales to register and compete in three award categories, with top cash prizes of up to £2500 and additional prizes for runners up.
The Enterprise Troopers competition aims to develop essential entrepreneurial attitudes in young learners, encouraging creativity, problem-solving, communication, and organisational skills, while building their confidence in literacy and numeracy.
Schools which go above and beyond in fostering an innovative approach to entrepreneurship, will be recognised and rewarded in the following categories:
- Best enterprise school for ECO / Sustainability
- Best enterprise school for Community / Social Impact
- Best enterprise school for Creativity / Innovation
Schools can register their interest and find more information by visiting The Enterprise Troopers | Business Wales - Big Ideas.
Every school that registers for the competition online will receive digital entry pack with access to the Enterprise Troopers resources, which aim to inspire children and teachers alike with the joy of coming up with a great business idea, the thrill of making their first sale and the satisfaction of supporting their local community. These fun learning resources for lower primary and upper primary age-groups, are aligned to the curriculum for Wales.

Additionally, schools that share photos of their enterprise project for the Enterprise Trooper gallery will also be entered into a monthly draw to win spot prizes for their school.
Carys Davies, Enterprise Lead at Halfway Primary School, Carmarthenshire, who took place in last year’s challenge said: "Pupils were given opportunities to develop entrepreneurial skills in an authentic and fun way. It was wonderful to see the confidence of learners grow, from more mathematically minded to creative learners, everybody had the chance to participate, contribute and learn from the project.
We would like to develop and grow as an entrepreneurial school and give learners more opportunities for authentic learning experiences by participating in the Enterprise Troopers."

Enterprise Troopers is open to all primary schools in Wales, both lower and upper primary phases. It’s ideal for schools with established enterprise clubs, those who have joined past challenges, or those eager to start their first enterprise activities. Schools can submit any pupil-led, team-based enterprise project that has been active at any point between January 1, 2024 and the closing date, June 16, 2025.
Mark Owen, Head of Services to Stakeholders at Careers Wales, said: “This competition continues to give learners a unique opportunity to experience the world of enterprise, build essential skills, and make a real difference in their communities. It is also a chance for schools to be recognised for the incredible entrepreneurial work they do and to share their successes with others. We encourage schools across Wales to take part, using the Enterprise Troopers resources to support their learners and help them explore the exciting possibilities of entrepreneurship.”
Winners will be announced in July 2025.