PRESIDENT Jane Davies was delighted to welcome Bethan Jones-Hughes to speak to Narberth Ladies Probus Club at the Plas Hotel. The title of her talk was ‘Realising educational potential, raising aspirations and breaking down barriers’.
Bethan is part of a team of co-ordinators working across Wales for the Seren Academy, a fully funded programme to support the aspirations and ambitions of the most able learners, helping to widen their horizons and reach their academic potential. The Seren Academy is available to years 8 to 13 learners from state schools and further education colleges across Wales who meet the eligibility criteria.

Bethan proceeded to give a fascinating insight into her varied work, guiding students through an intensive programme of super-curricular activities, including summer schools, online support, work experience opportunities and assisting with the university application process. This is structured around the school terms, so that each learner can make an informed decision about their next step in education and achieve their goal. Bethan also helps to provide students with opportunities across Wales, such as residential opportunities with leading universities.
Bethan was particularly proud of the achievements of Seren Academy members in Pembrokeshire, many of whom are now studying at some the best universities all over the world including Oxford, Cambridge, Imperial College London, and Harvard, to name but a few. The vision is for Seren learners, regardless of socioeconomic background, to have the ambition, capability, and curiosity to fulfil their potential and excel in their future educational goals at the highest level.
President Jane thanked Bethan for her informative and inspirational talk. The next Probus meeting will be at 11am on Friday, March 7 at the Plas Hotel. The speaker will be Ros Oak on the subject of scams – new members are always welcome.