The children of Templeton School have held their first Art Exhibition in the village’s St John’s Church.

Exhibits were provided by classes Oak, Sycamore, Chestnut, Willow and Rowan under the skilful guidance of Mrs Hari Neumann. The children’s exhibits were displayed around the church and depicted local scenes and wildlife. There was also a large picture of St John’s Church with delightful self portraits of the youngest pupils.

The exhibition was opened by the Rev’d Martin Cox and the children performed two songs which were enjoyed by a large number of parents and family members.

Children at St John's Church, Templeton
(Templeton CP School)

After viewing the exhibition, teachers, parents and pupils partook of tea and light refreshments in the Community Hall, served by members of the church.

The Rector and members of St. John’s Church in Templeton would like to thank everyone involved in making this an enjoyable and successful afternoon.