A leading renewable energy company, has launched its Hydrogen Education Programme. Henry Tudor High School in Pembroke has already taught the secondary school lesson to some of its children and Golden Grove Primary School, Pembroke will start their roll out this week.
RWE has worked with Generation C to create a bespoke schools programme, and aims to inspire young minds through interactive, curriculum-based activities that connects the classroom to real world scenarios allowing children of all ages to delve into hydrogen’s properties, production, and its growing use in industries driving the clean energy transition.
Through this Hydrogen Education Programme, students will explore how hydrogen, as a clean energy source, is integral to reducing emissions in industries like transport, manufacturing, and energy.

Golden Grove Head Mr A Williams said: “The initial lesson really captivated our learners they fully understand the need for green energy, particularly the new hydrogen plant.
“The beauty of the New Welsh Curriculum is that we can amend it to our community needs - children making an electrolyser to produce hydrogen is the start of a journey that could really flourish with businesses and the education sector working together. The children are already looking forward to what lessons are coming next.
“Ultimately, though, there is also the far broader aspect on what it could mean in the future for our young learners as they enter the world of work. This whole project has the ability to provide highly skilled jobs in our county and we need our learners to be at the forefront of that.”
RWE’s Hydrogen Education Programme is not just about raising awareness—it’s about inspiring careers in clean energy. By sparking curiosity in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), the programme encourages students to explore future roles in the growing hydrogen economy and the renewable energy sector.