A large Tenby Arts Club audience gathered to hear Duncan and Rebecca Whitehurst play on Friday. With Duncan on guitar and Rebecca on violin and adding vocal harmony they made a lovely sound which was so appreciated by the audience, who couldn’t wait to break into applause almost before the end of each song.

There was a story behind each one. Duncan explained that “One Step Behind” referred to his difficulties as a Parkinson’s sufferer. He said that he liked a “moan” from time to time but he came across as a very upbeat person with no hint of self-pity at all. It had been at least three years since Duncan and Rebecca last visited Arts Club and no doubt they will be back again as the audience could not have been more welcoming and enthusiastic.

On Friday February 3, the speaker will be Tomas Jones, who will be talking about the archaeology of Pembrokeshire. This starts at 7 pm in St Johns Church, Warren Street, Tenby, and will be followed by tea/coffee and biscuits. Small admission charge; members’ discount.