Tenby and District Camera Club held its judging of the portrait competition and the panels competition on November 16.
It was a digital only event, with 36 entries for the portrait competition and 12 entries for the panels competition.
For the latter, each entrance had to produce five separate images organised into a pleasing display with an all encompassing theme. Hence a total of 60 images were entered for the panels competition.
Unfortunately, judge for the night Brian Coleman was taken ill and unable to attend, but committee member Francis White bravely stepped in and read out the judge’s critique and placings, which he had sent the club in advance.
In the Portrait Competition, the Gold medal was won by Gill Mackay for “Ironman”. The Silver medal was awarded to Ali Rees for “penny for your thoughts”. The Bronze Medal was won by Charlie Kidd for “ the Cowboy”. Highly commended awards were given to Alan Brown, Dave Bolton, Dave Lewis, Steve Howells and Gary Mayhew. Commended awards were given to Liz Wallis (2), Steve Howells and Mats Fredriksson. In the Panel Competition, the Gold medal was won by Cheryl Hewitt for her panel titled “Life on Peacock Tiger Lilies”. Silver Medal was won by Charlie Kidd for his panel titled “Pine Marten”. Bronze medal was won by Neil Thomas for his panel titled “Puffin Flight”. Highly Commended Awards went to Gary Mayhew and Gill Mackay. Commended Awards went to Alan Brown and Dave Bolton.

Congratulations to the winners and to all who took part by entering their work.