Come and join the Pembroke Dock and Paul Sartori Community Choirs for an evening of song and dance with special guests on Saturday, March 8 at the Pater Hall.
Doors open at 7pm for a 7.30pm start, and all proceeds will be in aid of the Paul Sartori Foundation Hospice at Home charity.
Inclusive and multigenerational, Pembroke Dock Community Choir meets every Wednesday, 5.15pm in term time at Pembroke Dock Community School Hall. Singing is all for fun.
“We thought that maybe we would try and do a concert to raise funds for Paul Sartori,” said member Nigel Arthur. “Being a 50-60 strong choir, quite a few members have had help for family members in the past from this charity.
“When I made contact with them I was surprised to be told they have a Paul Sartori Community Choir themselves so it was decided to perform a combined concert. It will be the first time either choir has performed a concert with anyone else.”
After the COVID-19 lockdown, staff at Paul Sartori realised that people were nervous about socialising, meaning patients and carers didn’t always have a social support network. Following a successful funding application, the Paul Sartori Community Choir was launched in April 2022. Its aims were to bring the community together, raise awareness of the hospice service and raise funds too. The choir has proved very popular, with over 70 members.
A local Swing Dance group will also be performing at the concert fundraiser.

Pembrokeshire Lindy Hoppers run weekly classes at the Pater Hall in Pembroke Dock. The classes run every Thursday in the main hall, with beginners class starting at 7pm. Improvers class starts at 8pm.
Tickets, priced at £10 or £5 for children, are available from or by calling 01437 763223.