Tenby Camera Club begins its new season on Thursday (September 5).

The meets every Thursday evening, Sept to May, 7.30pm in St Florence Village Hall.

The first evening on September is a relaxed catch up with the new programme being introduced. You are invited to go along as a guest to see what’s going on or join as a new member. You will be made very welcome and there is tea, coffee and biscuits!

The club is very friendly with a good mix of male and female members with a variety of abilities. Don’t feel you have to have the top of the range gear or software; mobile phones and compact cameras do a fantastic job too. And there is no obligation to join in competitions, but they are interesting to watch and to learn from. Even if you don’t take photographs yourself but enjoy seeing other people’s work then you are welcome too! 

A wide range of speakers, covering many genres from wildlife, sport, street and landscapes and more, can inspire and help photographers of all skill levels to develop their photography skills. 

Workshops are held through the season, usually covering a topic which members would like help with, such as portrait work, the use of light, macro skills and software such as Lightroom or Photoshop. 

The programme includes occasional outings to local attractions or locations for a photoshoot and refreshments.

Tenby Camera Club looks forward to seeing some new faces; local clubs of all types need members to support and sustain them. 

There is lots of information, including programme and costs on the club’s website! The club’s Facebook page can be found at www.facebook.com/StFlorenceVillageHall