WATCH: Pembrokeshire’s Folly Farm’s new zoo arrivals. ‘Raymond’ and ‘Raquel’, a new breeding pair of cotton-top tamarins, are adorable! More crucially, they are classed as a critically endangered species.

Five year old male, 'Ray', joined the zoo from Shaldon Wildlife Trust in Devon and four year old female 'Raquel' joined from Cotswold Wildlife Park. Keepers are hopeful that they'll become a breeding pair - with the move recommended by the studbook keeper for the species, as part of the European Breeding Programme. The adorable duo settled in straight away and are reported to be very comfortable with each other after arriving just a fortnight ago. They’ve already been spotted grooming each other's fur - a clear sign of trust and affection!

One of the world's smallest primates, cotton-top tamarins are a critically endangered species according to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species - with just 2,000 adults left in the wild and they can be found in just five per cent of their original habitat in the tropical forests of northwest Columbia.

The reason for such a shockingly low number is primarily down to habitat destruction through forest clearing, as well as the illegal pet trade and being captured for scientific research.

The cotton-top tamarins have joined the likes of the award-winning Pembrokeshire zoo’s African dwarf crocodiles, amphibians, fish, reptiles, fruit bats and sloths in its Tropical Trails enclosure.

Tomorrow we’ll bring you more information and an introduction by Keeper Kim Cartwright.