Senedd Member Paul Davies has criticised Hywel Dda University Health Board on its decision to close St Davids surgery, warning that moving GP services away from patients could have devastating consequences.

Hywel Dda University Health Board has decided, at a meeting held on July 25, 2024 to undertake a managed dispersal of patients to surgeries in Solva, Fishguard and Haverfordwest.

The Board also agreed to continue progressing with a branch surgery in the local area that would provide some services such as nurse-led services. Mr Davies has been campaigning with the local community for St Davids surgery to remain open and made his views known to the local Health Board as part of their consultation exercise.

Mr Davies said, “I’m appalled that the Health Board has taken this decision. The Health Board is fully aware of the impact that this closure could have on patients, particularly those that are elderly, vulnerable and have no means of transport to travel to a surgery further away. Whilst the Health Board has undertaken a consultation exercise, it’s clear that the views of patients haven’t been sufficiently addressed and many will have to travel further for vital treatment.”

An engagement exercise was undertaken to gather patient and local stakeholder views on the future of GP services following the decision of the one GP who runs the Surgery to resign his General Medical Services Contract, which takes effect from October 31, 2024. This included a well-attended drop-in event at St Davids City Hall in June.

Mr Davies added, “It’s absolutely critical that the Welsh Government intervenes to support the local community. People living in St David’s should have access to GP services in their community and the Welsh Government must now do everything possible to prevent this closure from happening. I will be raising this matter at the Senedd at the earliest opportunity.”

“For years, health services have been under threat across Pembrokeshire, which is fast becoming a blind spot for the Welsh Government and the Health Board. The people of Pembrokeshire deserve better and we will keep fighting until this decision is overturned.”