Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice Secretary Jane Hutt has praised the Carmarthenshire Youth Justice Team on a visit to the county’s Youth Support Service.

The service brings youth work and the Youth Justice Team together to provide a range of specialised support for children and young people from 8 to 25, helping them reach their full personal, social and educational potential. A recent youth justice inspection gave the Carmarthenshire Youth Support Service an ‘outstanding’ rating, highlighting the level of care and dedication from staff and partnerships with other organisations which help children and families to access a range of services.

Jane Hutt, said: “I was pleased to see first-hand how the committed and motivated team prioritises the needs of the children and young people they support providing creative and innovative interventions.

“The Welsh Government’s approach to youth justice puts children first, centring their needs and ensuring services work in a way that recognises their best interests. With the right support, children can be empowered to live positive, crime-free lives now and in the future.”

The Youth Justice Team has benefited from the Welsh Government’s Children and Communities Grant which includes the Promoting Positive Engagement fund for young people at risk of offending.

This grant funds restorative justice projects, such as children writing letters of apology to the victims of their offence and reparation work within the community. It also funds interventions to support young people to lead productive lives free from further offending and receives referrals to the service for young people who are at risk of offending.

Chief Executive of the Youth Justice Board Stephanie Roberts-Bibby said: “What struck most how much everyone cared about their work, the children, victims and families they work with.

“The extent to which Carmarthen focusses on achieving positive outcomes for the children and young people they work with is truly impressive, I have no doubt this is why they are rated as an outstanding service by HMI Probation and a quadrant 1 service through our oversight framework. The leadership we witnessed was exemplary; the team - and children they work with - are thriving as a result.”