Among matters discussed at a recent meeting of Manorbier Community Council were the following:
A letter was received from Ray Hine regarding the amount of the precept Manorbier Community Council was charging for 2011.
Planning applications: To install air source heat pump - Jameston Community Hall (proposed by Clr. Kidney, seconded by Clr. Haynes, vote taken, all in favour); erection of one freestanding 5kw Evance wind turbine - Beavershill Farm, The Ridgeway, Manorbier (Clr. Hughes proposed that the meeting then go out of session for a member of the public to explain the use of the wind turbine and answer any queries, seconded by Clr. Haynes. Back in session, Clr. Calver then proposed the council's approval of the wind turbine, seconded by Clr. Kidney, all in favour); renovations and extensions to farmhouse - Norton Farm, Manorbier, Tenby (proposed by Clr. Kidney, seconded by Clr. Haynes, vote taken, one abstention, rest in favour); residential Caravan - Erw-lon, Lydstep, Tenby - Certificate of Lawfulness (all councillors were in agreement that there were no objections if the criteria was met); tree works Application - 1, Morfa Terrace, Manorbier (proposed by Clr. Kidney, seconded by Clr. Williams, vote taken, all in favour).
Application for a New Premises Licence - Tudor Lodge Hotel, Jameston (proposed by Clr. Kidney, seconded by Clr. Haynes, all in favour).
To receive an update regarding play areas at Skrinkle estate and Jameston: Clr. Hughes brought forward a condition report for play areas and Clr. Calver proposed that councillors inspect the state of the play areas before a decision is made whether to replace or repair any equipment. Clrs. Long, Haynes and Kidney offered to be part of a team to do this.
Clr. Williams proposed that the meeting then went out of session for a member of the public to speak, seconded by Clr. Kidney. It was suggested that Pembrokeshire County Council have responsibility for cleaning off any graffiti from the existing equipment, but agreed that this matter could wait until the outcome of an inspection.
Back in session, Clr. Calver stated that the two entrances to the play area at Kiln House Lane and Meadow Road were dangerous and that he would like this made an agenda item for the next meeting.
It was proposed by Clr. Haynes that the meeting then went out of session for a member of the public to speak, seconded by Clr. Kidney. The council were informed by a member of the public that it may be possible to obtain a compulsory purchase order for better access to the the play area.
Back in session, Clr. Hughes suggested a meeting on site with Richard Lyndsey in attendance. Clr. Calver proposed that the clerk write to Richard Lyndsey to invite him and for any correspondence to do with this matter to be brought to the next council meeting. Seconded by Clr. Kidney, all in favour.
A letter was brought forward from Pembrokeshire County Council CRM enquiry offering to provide new equipment for Jameston play area and requesting a plan and programme of works. Clr. Hughes suggested that the council got some more quotes first before continuing.
To discuss the possibility of presenting a commemorative plate or mug to all school children in the parishes, in recognition of the Royal Wedding: Clr. Hughes brought forward a sample mug and key ring from a shop in Tenby and informed the council that a certain internet site had a variety of mugs available to purchase online. However, he suggested the council use a local company, who could provide a commemorative mug for a competitive price of £3.50-£4. It was estimated that there are 150 children in the parishes. Clr. Haynes proposed that the council proceed with the purchase of the mugs from the local company seconded by Clr. Kidney, three in favour, three abstained. Clr. Hughes, as chairman, used his casting vote in favour and the proposal was passed.