Prior to the start of the recent meeting of Manorbier Community Council, Clr. Hughes read out a statement to explain why there was a police presence required. He said this was due to a member of the public inciting violence at the previous meeting.

Although regrettable, the council would not tolerate this kind of behaviour and took this measure.

Matters discussed included the following:

A letter was received from Mr. C. Cochrane regarding illegal signs in the area. The clerk was to contact the appropriate authorities.

A letter was received from Pembrokeshire County Council regarding Kelpie Cottage, Manorbier. The streetcare section were to carry out a site inspection.

An email was received from John Jones regarding rubbish inside the dovecote adjacent to Manorbier Castle. Clrs. Kidney and Haynes would remove the rubbish. Pembrokeshire National Park Authority were to be informed as it was their responsibility.

An email was received from Laurence Harding regarding Clr. Calver's request for a copy of the signed minutes to be sent to him after every meeting.

A letter was received from Tim Jones regarding complaints about the barbecue held for power station staff on Manorbier Beach. The clerk was to reply to inform him that the council had had no complaints and were happy with the outcome. The clerk was to also send a letter of thanks to Llywela Edward, the organiser, to thank her for the £250 donation made for the Jameston Play Area.

To receive and consider the following planning applications and notices: change of use from agricultural land to domestic garden - Kelpie Cottage, Manorbier (councillors expressed concern about this application and it was proposed by Clr. Parker that the clerk contact the planning officer to inform that the council are against this application and the reasons why. Seconded by Clr. Haynes, vote taken. Clr. Hall against, Clr. Long abstained, rest in favour); approval for installation of air source pump at Jameston Community Hall; approval for renovations and extensions to farmhouse - Norton Farm, Manorbier; Erw–lon, Lydstep - residential caravan (application withdrawn); renovations of existing barn and conversion to dwelling - Beavers Hill Farm, Manorbier (application withdrawn); single storey conservatory extension - White Moor Farm, Manorbier (no objections); smoking shelter, Swan Lake Inn - consent granted.

To consider continuation of Freedom of Information requests regarding Skrinkle Community Hall: Chairman Clr. Hughes then read out a letter from R&M Services regarding works completed at Skrinkle Community Centre. The letter gave a breakdown of the works completed over six months ago and closed trusting that it resolved any outstanding issues. Clr. Hughes then read out letters received from both Mr. and Mrs. Tew regarding Freedom of Information requests. It was proposed by Clr. Kidney that to lay this matter to rest, the clerk would write to the Freedom of Information Commissioner to inform him/her that the council felt that it had responded to these requests to the best of its ability and that the situation was now becoming farcical. Seconded by Clr. Williams, all in favour. It was then discussed and agreed that an emergency fund of £200 should be made available for repairs etc. that could be accessed with the approval of three councillors, those being chairman Clr. Hughes, vice-chairman Clr. Williams and Clr. Long. Proposed by Clr. Hall, seconded by Clr. Williams, all in favour.

To receive an update regarding Jameston Play Area: Clr. Hughes stated that Mr. Lyndsey had telephoned him to say that he had no objections to the access made to the Jameston Play Area, as long as the council were happy to take responsibility for the upkeep of it. Clr. Williams then proposed that an order be made for gravel and kerb stones for a path to be made and any other work to be undertaken to make the access easily available, such as cutting back overhanging branches. Seconded by Clr. Long, all in favour.

To consider tenders received for work to be done at Skrinkle Community Hall: Notices had been displayed to advertise this job and one tender has been received by the closing date, from R&M Services. Clr. Hughes then left the room as he had a prejudicial interest in this item. Clr. Williams took the chair and read out the quote from R&M Services for £260. It was agreed that this was a very reasonable quote and proposed by Clr. Kidney that the council accept this. Seconded by Clr. Long, all in favour. Clr. Hughes then returned to the chair.

To consider a request to reduce the speed limit from 30mph to 20mph within the confines of Skrinkle Estate: It was agreed that the clerk should write to the highways department to request that speed ramps be installed at both ends of the estate and that the speed limit be reduced to 20mph. Proposed by Clr. Haynes, seconded by Clr. Williams, all in favour.

Approval for urgent work to be done on the sliding door at Skrinkle Community Hall and a new lock for the outside door: It was agreed that repair was needed on the sliding door and a new lock barrel and four keys were required. It was decided that this work would come under the umbrella of the emergency fund. It was then proposed by Clr. Williams that the meeting go out of session for a member of the public to speak, seconded by Clr. Haynes, all in favour. Mr. R. Hughes, of R&M Services, stated that it would cost £30 to make a proper repair on the sliding door. Chairman Clr. Hughes then left the room as he had a prejudicial interest in this item. Back in session, Clr. Williams took the chair. It was proposed by Clr. Kidney that, as Mr. R. Hughes was confident that he could complete the job and prevent the problem from recurring, that the council would accept his judgement and price which Clr. Williams and Clr. Long were aware of as regards to the emergency funding. Seconded by Clr. Haynes, all in favour.

To consider appropriate action to be taken regarding an overhanging shrub blocking the footpath at Jameston: It was agreed that the shrub was causing an obstruction and people are having to step off the footpath onto the road to pass it. It was decided that the clerk write to the highways department requesting them to deal with this situation. Proposed by Clr. Hall, seconded by Clr. Haynes, all in favour.

To receive an update following the highways site meeting regarding the road surface at Beavers Hill and the West Moor Farm bends: Clr. Hughes stated that as a result of the meeting, the bend sign would be highlighted and the word slow would be marked on the approaching road at West Moor Farm bends. As regards Beavers Hill, there was a possibility that it would be gated off in the future, although in the meantime priority would be given to resurfacing it. The clerk was to write to Arriva Trains to request more information regarding the possible gating off at Beavers Hill.