Members of Manorbier Community Council heard at a recent meeting that Laurence Harding, Pembrokeshire County Council's monitoring officer, had agreed to address the council in October to provide an update and refresher on the Code of Conduct.

Members agreed that this session should be separate to a full council meeting and should be open to members of the public.

The clerk was asked to liaise on a suitable date with the monitoring officer and to bring that back to council.

The WWSFA had been sent council's comments on leaving the designation of Highly Protected Marine Conservation Zones in Pembrokeshire as they stand.

Waiting restrictions in Manorbier: Pembrokeshire County Council's (PCC) response to council's reply was read out. In respect of Clr Calver's comments about additional footways, PCC said that waiting restrictions would appear more likely to be needed if there was a new footway.

Council awaited a response from the National Park about questions raised regarding the need for caravan parks to apply for retrospective planning permission for decking.

planning applications and notices

Erection of a single storey timber framed orangery to replace existing structure in walled garden at Norchard Farm, The Ridgeway, Manorbier. Recommended for approval.

Siting of a mobile ice cream van between April 1 and October 31 in each year in Manorbier Car Park, Manorbier. Recommended for approval.

Screening opinion for the installation of 55kw wind turbine (blade height 34.5m, hub height 24.8m) at Sunnyhill Farm, The Ridgeway, Manorbier. Clr. Cooper acknowledged the siting of the turbine would be appropriate to catch the wind, but would fundamentally change the views. Clr. Long said that the noise generated by the turbines would be an issue once they got going and that First Milk would get the revenue, but not the noise. Clr. Hall suggested that they note that the council does not oppose small green energy, but were concerned about the size. Members agreed that their views, similar to those given on previous similar screening opinions around size, be relayed. All councillors were in favour of this response.

County Councillor's


County Clr. Philip Kidney presented his report.

A meeting was to be held with organisers of the Ironman race to discuss concerns of local businesses over road closures.

A site meeting was to take place to discuss kerbs and disabled access at St. James'.

There were concerns over visibility issues creating dangerous conditions at Beavers Hill junction

Speed testing was to take place in Jameston.

The closure of Tenby Police Station counter looked like going ahead.

Clr. Kidney was thanked for his useful monthly update.


To consider an update on minor road repairs on A4139 (flooding) and between St. James' Church and Manorbier. The clerk reported that PCC had responded to the council's prompt for a reply to earlier correspondence about these issues. PCC had now responded to say that the surface would continue to be monitored on this section of road, but had asked about the specific area of flooding. The clerk had gone back to PCC to highlight the flooding location.

Extraordinary Meeting

An extraordinary meeting of the council was also held recently when the following planning applications and notices were received and considered:

Conversion of existing redundant barn into a holiday let at Beavers Hill Farm, The Ridgeway, Manorbier. Clr. Hughes reminded councillors that full council had already voted in favour of this planning application at the meeting held on November 7, 2011. Due to Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority (PCNPA) case officer's comments being contrary to Manorbier Community Council's recommendations, this had been discussed at the authority's development management committee meeting held on July 18. Clr. Hughes understood that the application had been granted.

Erection of 5kw 15m wind turbine at Thornhill, Manorbier. Councillors noted the location and height of the proposed wind turbine and that local residents were being given the opportunity to comment on the proposal. Councillors agreed that the proposed turbine would not be intrusive on the landscape than existing turbines and recommended approval.

Erection of a 5kw 17.75m wind turbine at Shipping Hill Farm, The Ridgeway, Manorbier. Councillors had reservations about the height of the proposed wind turbine and the impact it might have on the landscape. Whilst supporting green energy, they felt that a cap on the height of wind turbines in the area should be set at 15m, including blade height. Clr. T Williams proposed that this application be recommended for approval on condition that the height of the wind turbine be capped at 15m. All were in favour.

Installation of air source heat pump to the north elevation at Croft Cottage, Manorbier. Recommended for approval.

Erection of conservatory to rear of property at The Firs, 4 Longfield, Manorbier. Recommended for approval.

Conversion of existing stone-walled barn to holiday let at Beavers Hill Farm, The Ridgeway, Manorbier. Councillors noted that they had previously seen this application, but were unsure as to why PCNPA had sent a letter to council referring to council comments previously given as being contrary to the PCNP officer's comments. Clr. Hughes confirmed that although full council did previously consider this application, the minutes of the relevant meeting held on October 10, 2011, showed that 'the time limit for comments had passed' and no opinion was given to PCNPA. Councillors noted the date of the meeting of the development management meeting (July18) had passed, but asked the clerk to write to PCNPA to state that council did not comment previously.

Retrospective consent for replacement agricultural barn on land adjacent to Beavers Hill Crossing, Manorbier. Councillors noted the location for this retrospective planning application and that it related to a smallholding. Recommended for approval.

Erection of one free standing small scale wind turbine at Norchard Farm, The Ridgeway, Manorbier. During discussion, councillors noted that this wind turbine would be one of three proposed in a relatively small area and also noted that local residents would have been given the opportunity to comment. It was also noted that the turbine would be 5kw and 15m high. Recommended for approval.

Refusal of a certificate of lawful use or development for residential caravan at Erw-lon, Lydstep. Councillors noted this refusal of a certificate.