The Age Cymru Partnership is urging older people across Wales, who may be missing out on thousands of pounds worth of benefits, to have a conversation with the charity about claiming benefits and entitlements as it launches its campaign More Money in your Pocket.

An Age Cymru 2024 survey found that nearly half said the cost-of-living crisis was a challenge in the past 12 months.

The Partnership’s advice team says it’s worth revisiting claims because your personal circumstances may have changed.

Of course, it’s more important than ever that people claim all their benefits and entitlements following the Westminster Government’s announcement that it is to restrict Winter Fuel Payments to those claiming Pension Credit and some other similar benefits. Pension Credit is often referred to as a gateway benefit as it can open up support for older people in so many other ways. 

One older couple approached one of the Age Cymru partners seeking advice on getting financial help to make adaptations to their bathroom. The couple were also given a full benefits check to explore their eligibility. As a result, they ended up increasing their annual income by £16,346.

For more information, call Age Cymru Dyfed on 03333 447874.