National Trust plans for a tilting weir and walkway at a Site of Special Scientific Interest at Castlemartin in Pembrokeshire are expected to be approved by the national park next week.

The National Trust is seeking permission for the installation of a tilting weir, walkway structure and boardwalk at Castlemartin Corse, Starmans Hall, Castlemartin.

The application is recommended for conditional approval at the September 4 meeting of Pembrokeshire Coast National Park’s development management committee.

A call-in request from a local member has been received in relation to the application but after the 21-day deadline.

A report for members states: “The primary aim is to restore and establish carbon rich habitats within the SSSI. To enable this, it is proposed to install a water control structure in the form of a tilting weir within the main river that flows through the SSSI reedbed and connects to the Castlemartin Coast Special Area of Conservation (SAC)… a boardwalk is also proposed to allow maintenance access to the weir.”

“The proposed scheme would have several benefits to the hydrology, water quality, ecology and biodiversity of the Castlemartin Corse SSSI.”

The walkway and boardwalk are for access and maintenance only and will not be open to the public.