Plans to divide Tenby’s former Caldey shop into two units - encompassing an estate agents on one side and an art gallery/studio the other are set to go before the town council this week.
The former Caldey Abbey Shop located on Quay Hill a medieval pedestrian lane in Tenby running from Tudor Square, down towards the harbour, opened in the 1960s to supplement the income of Caldey Island, before it closed its doors back in October of last year.
Full and listed building planning applications which will eventually be determined by the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority’s development management committee are seeking the change of use and subdivision from A1 (retail shop) to retail gallery with sales (A1) and estate agents (A2); and alteration to the front facade to include new single access door to a first floor flat.
In the application papers submitted by Luke Lawrence of Property Buyers Agent Ltd, the agent, architect David Morgan states that the Listed Grade II building was said to have been a house until 1955, before being altered to a shop.
“The proposal is to subdivide the ground floor retail space into two separate units and to create a one bedroom holiday accommodation unit on the first floor,” states Mr. Morgan.
“The alteration is a sustainable solution which adds interest to the retail profile of the centre of town. It provides a new unit of holiday accommodation which benefits tourism and benefits the town businesses.
“The surrounding area has been considered and all measures taken to maintain the local distinctiveness of the street scene.
“Approval is sought to make alterations to the front facade of the building in order to create a separate access to the first floor accommodation unit.
“I have been careful to design the changes to have minimal effect on the character of this iconic lane. The existing building has a simple frontage compared to the fine facades of Plantagenet House and Tudor Merchants House.
“The proposed alterations retain the existing important features of the elevation and the new doorway is integrated within the existing features of the facade,” he added.
The plans are on the agenda of Tenby town council’s meeting for discussion on Tuesday (January 21) night.