Contentious plans for a new adventure tourism hub in Pembrokeshire are expected to be backed by the national park, but the Welsh government has put the final decision on hold.

Jet Moore, managing director of coasteering, kayaking and field studies outdoor activities provider Adventure Beyond Ltd, is seeking permission for an outdoor adventure centre, with art studio and storage space above, and associated works at the old Richard Bros bus depot in Moylegrove.

The application is recommended for approval at the September 4 meeting of Pembrokeshire Coast National Park’s development management committee.

Concerns have been raised about the scheme, including at Nevern Community Council. Opponents fear that increased business for adventure firms will worsen the plight of birds and animals, some of which are on the UK’s amber conservation list.

Jet Moore said there has been “much positive feedback” to the scheme, and added: “This development has been part funded by a Shared Prosperity Fund Grant allocated by Pembrokeshire County Council. The grant must be spent by the end of 2024, or the funds are lost and will be retained by central government. Consequently, time is of the essence, and if planning permission is denied there is no time for an appeal and to construct the building before the end of 2024.

“Because of this the owner of the site, Consulting AM Ltd, has advised me that if planning permission is refused it will give the site to Pembrokeshire County Council, who paid for its acquisition through the grant.

“Assuming the council to be short of funds the site will then remain strewn with glass, metal and plastic and there will be no new replanting. The council may decide to fence it off to reduce its public liability risk, making the site an eyesore.”

A report for planners says that, since a site visit in early July site, “a Holding Direction has been received from Welsh Government which does not allow for a positive decision to be issued prior to the Direction being lifted, but this does not prevent the application being considered by members”.