New plans to revitalise the South Quay site in Pembroke were viewed and discussed by members of the public in a recent drop-in session held in the Town Hall.

The South Quay redevelopment project is led by Pembrokeshire County Council and is a key part of its regeneration programme for the County.

The public engagement session, which included a rolling programme of presentations, aimed to update residents on the design teams’ concept proposals for the first phase.

Plans include refurbishing derelict properties at Castle Terrace (adjacent to Pembroke Castle) and creating a new heritage visitor centre, library and café.

The event also provided an opportunity for the public to ask questions to officers and members of the design teams, discuss the plans and give their views. More than 100 people attended the session.

Clr. Paul Miller, Cabinet Member for Economy, Tourism, Leisure and Culture, said he was pleased that so many people attended, and thanked them for their feedback.

He added: “One question I was asked repeatedly and for good reason is can the community really believe something will happen this time? I want to answer that now.

“I’m committed personally, as are we as an administration, to making a success of the South Quay project and in turn transforming the fortunes of Pembroke as a town.

“The redevelopment of the South Quay site is the first step. It won’t be a magic bullet but it’s the start of something.”

To view the South Quay plans online, please visit: