Preseli Pembrokeshire Senedd Member Paul Davies has tabled a debate in the Senedd on the Welsh Government’s Sustainable Farming Scheme proposals and its Farming Connect programme.

Mr Davies is the Chair of the Senedd’s Economy, Trade and Rural Affairs Committee, which held inquiries into these matters earlier this year. The debate is being held on October 23 and will consider the reports published by the Committee, as well as a further report on the Sustainable Farming Scheme by the Climate Change, Environment, and Infrastructure Committee.

Mr Davies said, “I’d like to thank everyone that took part in the Economy, Trade and Rural Affairs inquiries into the Sustainable Farming Scheme and Farming Connect. The evidence that was received was extremely helpful in scrutinising the Welsh Government on these important issues.”

“The reality is that significant changes are needed so that farmers across Wales can better understand what is expected of them. The Economy, Trade and Rural Affairs Committee is calling on the Welsh Government to demonstrate how they are adapting their plans to meet the needs of our agriculture industry and our environment, and I look forward to hearing what the Deputy First Minister has to say.”

“It’s absolutely crucial that the Welsh Government makes the Sustainable Farming Scheme as accessible as possible to all farmers, regardless of their farm type and tenure, and it must also strike a better balance between protecting the future of farming and food production and also tackling climate and nature emergencies.”