Carmarthenshire County Council recognises that the current cost of living crisis is having a big impact on its residents and also acknowledges the longer-term generational impact that poverty has.
To this extent, the Council is keen to address the root causes of poverty and find ways to support its residents to lift themselves out of poverty.

The Council’s Cabinet approved the Authority’s Tackling Poverty Plan yesterday (June 19).
Acknowledging that as a council it won’t be able to resolve poverty itself, as many of the factors contributing to the situation need to be addressed at a Wales and UK level, Carmarthenshire County Council recognises it has a leading role in supporting our residents and communities to help themselves, by removing barriers to access support and empowering people.
With this in mind, the Council has identified tackling poverty as a thematic priority as part of its Corporate Strategy for 2022-27 and this will be a key contributor to making progress against our well-being objective to enable our residents to live and age well. In addition, the Carmarthenshire Public Services Board (PSB) has identified tackling poverty and its impacts as one of its well-being objectives and the council will work with public sector partners and other stakeholders on areas of collective responsibility to make progress on this objective.
The Plan provides a focused response on Carmarthenshire County Council’s activity over the next 12-months and is very much focused on support with the pressing cost of living crisis. It also identifies key areas of development that will enable the council to refine our longer-term plan to address the broader causes of poverty.
During the next 12-months, Welsh Government will be publishing its national Child Poverty Strategy and once that is published, the council will review its approach and further develop its medium to long-term tackling poverty plan.
Cllr. Linda Davies Evans, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Tackling Poverty said: “This Tackling Poverty Plan is an important document for the Council as we work towards addressing and alleviating some of the pressures caused by poverty for our local residents and communities. It is disappointing that we have to prepare such a plan, but the reality is that a greater number of our residents and communities are now facing challenges as a result of poverty that we as a Council, working with our partners, are keen to support in whatever way we can.
“I would like to acknowledge the input and support of the cross-party elected member Tackling Poverty Advisory Panel who have contributed towards the development of this plan in a considered, constructive and meaningful manner. This input is particularly welcome as we all strive to support the residents and communities of Carmarthenshire as best we can.”