For Wales Nature Week, June 29 to July 7, Tenby Town Council is having a FIT Count Challenge during the week to encourage people to go outside and take a close look at a flower!

A FIT count is a Flower Insect Timed count and involves someone going outside to find a flower and spending ten minutes watching it to see how many insects land or sit on the flower during that time.

The flowers you can choose from are dandelion, buttercup, hawthorn, blackberry, lavender, hogweed, common or greater knapweeds, white clover, ragwort or white dead-nettle. 

Forms and identification guides can also be picked up at Tenby Town Council Office in the De Valence Pavilion, Upper Frog Street. 

Completed forms can be returned to Tenby Town Council and Anne Draper will send the information to the UK Pollinator Monitoring Scheme.

You can do the Count any time up to September 30 on a warm and dry day, but it would be great to see how many Tenby can do during Wales Nature Week.

Forms are also available online: remember to let Anne know so she can add you to the grand total. Call 01834 82730 or email [email protected].