The first Antiques Fair and Vintage Market at the National Botanic Garden of Wales for 2019 will be held on Saturday, January 26 and Sunday 27.

With up to 100 stands on display, the fair has become quite a spectacle and will be Showcasing a wonderful variety of quality antiques and collectables to suit all tastes and budgets. This popular fair has a friendly and vibrant atmosphere. The main reason for the success of this fair is its unique setting. To witness the array of antiques on display with the backdrop of the flora and fauna in the Norman Foster designed Glass House, is breathtaking.

Amongst the quality stands, will be a selection of militaria stands, displaying some very unusual items from the past including rare medals, military swords and vintage fire arms and a full suit of armour.

It is apt that this year 2018 commemorates the centenary of the end of the First World War. Many, many soldiers lost their lives in this war. It was in October 1916 that the British Government setup a committee for the idea of a commemorative plaque that could be given to the next of kin, of for those men and women who lost their lives to the First World War of 1914-18.The World War One Memorial Plaque was made from Bronze and often known as the “Dead Man’s Penny” among front-line troops, but also becoming widely known as, the “Death Penny”, “Death Plaque” or “Widow’s Penny”.

The first a family would know of the death of family member , was the arrival of a telegram from the War Office. This would be followed by the World War One Death Plaque and any medals the serviceman would have earned serving his country.

The original plaque was a 12 centimetre disk cast in bronze gunmetal, which included an image of Britannia and a lion, two dolphins that represented Great Britain’s sea power and the emblem of Imperial Germany’s eagle being torn to pieces by another lion. Britannia is holding an oak spray with leaves and acorns. Beneath this was a rectangular tablet where the deceased name was cast into the plaque. No rank was given as it was intended to show equality in their sacrifice. On the outer edge of the disk it bears the inscription, ’He died for freedom and honour’. The memorial plaque was posted to the next of kin protected by a firm cardboard purpose made folder, which was then placed in a white HMSO envelope.

One such Death Plaque will be on display at the fair will have local interest. The plaque was sent to Private Lemuel George Owen’s family when at just 20 years old he lost his life serving his country on May 3 1917. He served in the 92nd Coy Machine gun infantry. Alistair and Helen Crawford will have the plaque on display on their stand in the glasshouse. They themselves will be taking part in the Armistice parade in London. They hope to take pictures of both the plaque and pictures of other local serviceman that died in the first World War on the march.

Visitors will be treated to a wonderful spectacle of Welsh art, pottery and textiles and 17th century Welsh oak in a unique setting.There will be an amazing display of period Welsh oak furniture from child’s chairs, milking stools to larger pieces including dressers and linen press cupboards.Richard Bebb will be displaying a rich array of Welsh paintings, including artists such as Kyffin Williams. Welsh textiles will also be a main feature at the fair. There will be a huge range of welsh tapestry blankets on display with their extensive colour range and intrinsic patterns.

From furniture to fishing reels, ornate French clocks, silver, pewter, books, postcards, Tin plate toys to exquisite jewellery and bronze statues, most areas of collecting can be found both inside the many buildings and outside in the Vintage market within the Millennium Square. The many marquees house spectacular displays of vintage, bro ante and gardenalia.

The National Botanic Gardens of Wales nestles into the Carmarthenshire countryside, on the outskirts of Carmarthen and just 15 minutes away from the end of the M4.

Doors open at 10am and close at 4.30 pm.

Admission is just £5 which includes admission into both the Garden and the fair.Dogs are now permitted into the Garden over the Antiques Fair weekend.

For more information about the fairs contact Brita Rogers telephone: 01267 220260 Mobile 07790 293367 or visit or on Facebook.