The following items were discussed in the September meeting of Whitland Town Council:

The recent exhibition in the Memorial Hall was praised, and thanks were given to the organisers and all the many people who lent their personal memorabilia of Whitland.

The exhibition had proved very popular, with visitors travelling some distance to view it, and many people coming several times.

Upcoming Town of Culture events included a talk in Tabernacle on September 27 and one about Whitland Abbey on October 10.

The Council was pleased with progress on Nasareth cemetery. The bid for funding to resurface the tennis court in Parc Dr. Owen had been submitted.

Use of the Trevaughan area would be considered in the next meeting. It was reported that the Wifi in the town was well–used, particularly by local people, which the Council was pleased to hear.

The relevant committee was progressing well with the Christmas plans. A candidate for co-option had come forward, and after discussion it was agreed they should become a Councillor.

The changes to the payments of various benefits including pensions was raised and discussed. The Council were told that in 2021 these would cease to be payable into a Post Office Card Account.

Preliminary plans were being drawn up to assist those who might have problems locally. BT had notified the Council that they proposed to remove the telephone kiosk in St John Street – there were no objections to this.

It was brought to the Council’s attention that Carmarthenshire County Council were making changes to the recycling and waste services they offered.

The number of black bags that could be put out each time would reduce to three, and any black bags taken to the recycling centre would be subject to checking to ensure recyclable waste was disposed of correctly. The blue recycling bags should start to be delivered to each household from October.

Planning applications

W/38976/PA - Shed replacement, Bryngwenllian. This had been fully granted.

W/39145/PA - Conversion of former Natwest Bank into a nursery and daycare centre. This had been fully approved.

To receive correspondence for information

• One Voice Wales training calendar September to December.

• Welsh Govt national planning framework consultation, plus Planning aid Wales FAQ document.

• Carmarthenshire energy survey (rural transport needs).

• CCC polling staff recruitment.

• Local Boundary Commission for Wales final recommendations for Carmarthenshire.

• Dyfed Police and Crime Panel annual report 2018/19.

• Letter for information from a resident regarding an incident on the Abbey byway route

In addition the Clerk brought two requests for donations to the meeting. It was agreed the Clerk should respond to both.

The Chairman then took the opportunity to request that all Councillors aim to read all documents sent out prior to the meeting, and that queries if possible be raised beforehand with the Clerk to avoid any delays in decision-making, and to keep the busy meetings productive.

Reports from Councillors and items for the next


It was asked whether the bin adjacent to the new bench could be relocated - Clr. Allen would contact Carmarthenshire County Council CC, who owned it, regarding this.

It was stated that the recycling bins behind the Co-op had been overflowing for several days. Clr. Allen would report this to the county councilas a concern.

Defibrillator training - The Clerk would follow up on this and report back to Council.

Potential Abbey working party - This would be discussed and members appointed.

Future financial planning – the Finance working party would be meeting in early October, and would welcome Cllrs’ input of ideas for potential future priorities etc. to consider.

The next meeting will take place on Monday, October 7 in the Mayor’s Parlour, at 7 pm.