I was delighted to hear that the Israeli government had finally agreed to a deal with Hamas.
As I understand it the agreement is very similar to the one outlined by President Biden early last year. The three-phase approach will entail a ceasefire, Israeli hostages being released in return for Palestinian prisoners, and the Israeli military's gradual withdrawal from Gaza. My initial reaction was ‘At last’, but I have to admit it was followed by an immediate ‘But for how long?
I am thrilled to think we could be witnessing the beginning of the end to that horrific conflict of course because of what it means for all those who call Gaza ‘home’ as well as for those who are waiting for their relatives to ‘be returned home’ to Israel.
But the ongoing negotiations are going to prove incredibly difficult and they clearly run the risk of breaking down at any time. I will be praying for peace of course but I am convinced any hopes for a lasting peace will never be realised until we find a lasting solution to the Palestinian issue and that means paying attention to the contentious issue of a Palestinian state. As I see it military solutions will never ensure lasting peace. Israel may possess military dominance at the present moment, but I am sure the recent war will have proved a powerful recruiting sergeant for those who feel as aggrieved as the citizens of Israel feel threatened.
The former chief Rabbi, Lord Sacks, wisely observed when we are seeking to resolve conflicts we need to focus on ‘interests not positions’ in other words both sides in a dispute need to recognise the other’s pain and desires and then find a way to relate to each other accordingly.
Israel is a Jewish state. I find it interesting to note that as far the apostle Paul tell his friends in Rome ‘you are not a true Jew just because you were born of Jewish parents or because you have gone through the ceremony of circumcision. No, a true Jew is one whose heart is right with God. And true circumcision is not merely obeying the letter of the law; rather, it is a change of heart produced by the Spirit’.
In other words, Paul wanted them to know that the true Israel consists of those who acknowledge Jesus as Lord and who live in a way that pleases Him, who is the Prince of peace. The Middle East desperately needs people like that – people who pray for, and who work for peace. Indeed the entire world needs them which is why I will keep encouraging people to follow Him