People tend to see Lent as a time for ‘giving up’ things, especially nice things like chocolate and cake just as Jesus went without food for forty days when he spent time in the wilderness following His baptism. Now I have no problem with fasting. It can be a very helpful physical and spiritual discipline but we’re in danger of missing the point when we simply focus on fasting because in many ways Lent can also help us appreciate the importance of reflection.
This becomes clear when we remember that his desert experience followed on from his baptism in the river Jordan. That was a hugely significant moment in his life because the Gospel records show us that while He was praying God told Him two life changing things. Firstly, that He was the long-awaited Jewish Messiah who would rule the world, but secondly and somewhat paradoxically that He was also to be the ‘Suffering Servant’ that He would have read of in the book of Isaiah. Far from being a military hero then, he was to be a king who would be despised and rejected and who would die a cruel death to atone for His peoples’ sins.
I don’t know how you would have reacted if God had said that to you, but I am sure I would have needed to spend some time reflecting on what I had heard and for more than forty days too I would think.
Lent then, can serve as a useful reminder that there are times in life when it can prove very helpful to stop and take stock for a moment. Why am I here? What am I doing with my life? How will I be remembered when I finally depart this earth? And perhaps most importantly of all where if anywhere will I go when I do?
Larry Sanger has certainly done a lot of thinking over the years and interestingly, as a result of this he has completely changed his mind about God and the Christian faith. Sanger, the co-founder of Wikipedia has publicly announced that after 35 years of scepticism he has become a Christian. In a blog entitled ‘How a Sceptical Philosopher Becomes a Christian’ he writes: “I will not try to portray myself as a converted ‘enemy of the faith.’ I never was; I was merely a skeptic. I especially hope to reach those who are as I once was: rational thinkers who are perhaps open to the idea, but simply not convinced.”
It would seem that after spending some considerable time reflecting on all that atheism and scepticism have to offer this analytic philosopher has come to the conclusion that the Christian faith is far more ‘interesting’ and ‘coherent than he was expecting’. As a result, he is keen to share his story in the hope that he will reach those who have open minds but are yet to be persuaded. Food for thought then, and I would suggest food especially appropriate for Lent.