Club Sailing

A complete contrast saw excessive wind on Saturday prevent any sailing, and then, on Tuesday, no wind at all cancelled the planned evening race.


Lack of wind brought in Plan B. Juniors were given power boat training, which they all enjoyed. 

The club now has five power boat instructors, which should enable the juniors to get their PB1 and PB2 certificates.

Most juniors will now have returned from their family holidays and we hope to see them for the final five Wednesday sessions.

 Cruiser racing 

The race last Saturday was cancelled due to the strong winds. There will be a race tomorrow (Saturday) starting at 1 pm. At the time of writing the weather looks ok for that.

Club Opening

The club is now operating summer hours, open every day for lunch and evening meal and bar open until late.

2016 Membership

It’s not too late to join for this year. Benefits of joining are use of club facilities, e.g. showers and toilets; use of club boats (by arrangement) and discounts on food and drink in the clubhouse.

Forthcoming events

November 18: Club Dinner and Prize-giving at the Giltar Hotel, Tenby.


The club’s website can be found at; the club and details of events going on can be found on Facebook and Twitter.

New members welcome; sailors, aspirant sailors and non sailors. We are a members club run by volunteers who try to involve all members in a variety of activities, both sailing and social. To enquire about joining, call at the clubhouse, contact any member who will be pleased to help, or contact us on line.