The St Mary’s Church Choir annual lunch took place at The Giltar Hotel, Tenby yesterday, Sunday February 16. Members toasted ‘absent friends’ too, remembering Dr John Harrison with much affection.

The lunch was a jolly affair, enjoyed by all.

There has been a robed choir in St Mary’s Church in Tenby since 1869. Over the years it has gone through many changes and now is probably the largest in the parish churches of the diocese of St Davids. The choir is trained and conducted by Mark Thompson.

At the Sunday service each week there are four or five hymns and a sung psalm for choir and congregation. In addition to this, the choir sings an introit at the beginning of the service and a motet during the Eucharist. Eucharist settings vary from week to week so there is plenty to be practised at the weekly choir rehearsal. The music spans the centuries, from Bach, Tallis and Handel right up to John Rutter and Howard Goodall. The choir has a huge repertoire but is always adding new pieces to keep the selection fresh and to keep up with the changing times.

Fondly remembered, Dr John Harrison joined St Mary’s Choir, Tenby as a boy treble in 1959, following in his father’s footsteps. He became Organist and Director of Music at St Mary’s in 1974 and since then he devoted himself to developing and maintaining a high standard of music to enhance the worship. He encouraged many young people to continue their music studies by giving them the opportunity to perform in public. He was always willing to rehearse with instrumentalists and vocalists and to accompany them in performance.

John’s gentle encouragement has helped many a young person to progress. After 40 years at St Mary’s he was awarded the British Empire Medal.

John continued his work with the choir, assisting clergy members and the choirmaster with the planning of services for the major festivals throughout the year. The congregation particularly admired him for his skilful improvisations during services. He continued to serve the community with distinction until his unexpected death on August 27, 2024.

John had achieved nearly 50 years as Musical Director and Organist at St Mary’s Church.