MEMBERS of St Issell’s WI in Saundersfoot were welcomed to the February meeting by president Diane Rigden…
Unfortunately the planned speaker did not turn up.
Val John was thanked for the flowers for the top table, and birthday wishes for February went to Mary Lawrence, Anne Slade and Nancy Stafford, with congratulations going to Joan Parry on becoming a great grandmother.
Names were taken of those ladies wishing to go to Anything Goes, and arrangements would be made for a coach. Pam asked if ladies would be happy to do teas at the rosebowl competition, and there were enough volunteers some of which would be involved with the rosebowl entry.
Diane read through the four resolutions, and there was much discussion. The eventual vote going to ‘Incontinence’. The newsletter was also read, some interest being shown for the quiz.
It was noted that there were some available dates for WI House window. The subscription was noted as £51 to be paid in April.
Arrangements were also made for the event at the Regency Hall on March 1, when St Issell’s WI will be making and selling welshcakes and bara brith.
After a welcome break for refreshments and much chatter and mingling, this month’s competition winner was Liz Talboys and the lucky raffle winner was Jane Lee. Diane reminded ladies that the March meeting would also be at 2pm, when the competition would be ‘something that reminds you of spring’. She wished ladies a safe journey home.